Reports & Analytics in FibreCRM

Take the guesswork out of client engagement!
…and make informed decisions
Analytics and reporting is an ESSENTIAL element to a business’s success, without it your business will make assumptions based on an emotion or a feeling. Analysing historic and live data will place you at the front of the curve and give you a deep insight to your data.
The “Client Engagement Matrix” is one of many reports that can be produced within FibreCRM. This powerful and informative visual interface will help you identify the White Space and GAP’s in the services you provide to your clients. Some people refer to this as a WOO (Windows of Opportunity) or upsell cross-selling opportunities.
The easy way to Upsell Services to your clients
FibreCRM collects the Fee data from Time & Fees on a nightly basis, which provides your CRM with up-to-date fee data on each service line. From this report you will also be able to identify the total Gross Recurring Fee (GRF) per client, recoverability statistics or current debtor analysis. The report is also capable of filtering across a client grades if selected.
With this valuable insightful information at your fingertips you will be able to create actionable tasks such as; deliver personalised targeted email campaigns to your clients with pin point accuracy; creating new sales opportunities; informing your clients of valuable services that they are missing.
Identifying which firms are profitable (recoverability analysis) or whether they have outstanding payments (debtor list). Recognising the financial risk to your practice (Lockup) and its exposure, is essential business information that requires constant monitoring to mitigate any financial risk to your practice.
Another benefit of the analytic data provided by the “Client Engagement Matrix” is being able to identify high and low performing fee analysis across the average service line values and compare them with other firms or across industry sectors.
The Client Engagement Matrix will help you make more informed decisions, target the underperforming and GAP’S in your business, so that you can act on them fast!
- Analyse multiple data points across all elements of your business
- Trigger campaigns directly from reports
- Identify gaps and weak points in your business and service
- Plan for the future and respond to changing events, fast!
- Instant data reporting… No time-consuming data-mining
Ill-informed decisions can have a negative impact to your business and also have serious consequences to your finances, reputation and future growth. Use FibreCRM to collate information in a meaningful way and make decisions that will help you successfully develop and grow your business.
Build Reports and Intelligence