Tech Makes Cross-Selling Easier

Our CEO Simon Leek was recently featured on the Association for Accounting Marketing website discussing how the use of tech
“Cross-selling is an instrumental growth strategy for CPA firms. Whether you want to increase sales of one particular service or ensure clients are aware of the other services the firm offers, it all boils down to smart strategies and supporting technology. One without the other can mean disaster.
For example, imagine a managing partner saying, “We plan to grow our payroll service by 7% per year, which will add around $50,000 of additional revenue to our payroll income.”
It is a smart strategy, which in itself, is good, but the next question is what tactics have to be employed to achieve this goal? And what technology is needed to support these tactics? Without this consideration, it is just a finger in the air, with maybe some ad-hoc business development activities or hopeful referrals.
So how does a firm go about building an effective campaign to meet this goal and what supporting technology is needed? It helps to break it down as follows.”
To read the rest of article follow the link below….
Business Development: Tech Makes Cross-Selling Easier | The Association for Accounting Marketing